You going to ask me about God and the Devil?
You're going to ask me how God can place such a burden on good people?
No. I'm going to ask you how you still belive in a kind God after a case like this.
Was my faith shaken? Yeah. Mhmm.It is.
It is?
Yeah.I'll go home tonight and I'll lie in bed and I'll toss and I'll turn and I'll beat myself up. And, uh, I'll question everything.
Will you get your faith back?
Always have in the past.
So you have faith that you will retain your faith? Why?
Because, Bones, the sun will come up and tomorrow's a new day.
I know that feeling.
You know what it feels like to get your faith back?
When I see effects and I'm unable to discern the cause, my faith in reason and consequences is shaken.
Then what happens?
Two plus two equals four. I put sugar in my coffee and it tastes sweet. The sun comes up because the world turns. These things are beautiful to me. There are mysteries I will never understand, but everywhere I look, I see proof the for every effect there is a corresponding cause, even if I can't see it. I find that reassuring.
And life is good again.
Life is very good.
Yes, it is.
Diálogo entre Brennan e Booth no episódio de Bones, 'The Devil in the Details".
"There are mysteries I will never understand, but everywhere I look, I see proof the for every effect there is a corresponding cause, even if I can't see it. I find that reassuring."
Eu conheço uma pessoa que só acredita na ciência. Eu acho q é mais normal alguém ser ateu do que só acreditar na ciência. Há tantos mistérios que ninguém entende ainda, não é? Eu mesma não entendo um milhão de coisas comprovadas. Para dizer a verdade, eu não entendo nem como se aperta o interruptor e a luz acende.
Uma vez eu ouvi que é justamente pq coisas ruins acontecem, que devemos acreditar em uma força maior. Essa força maior deu o livre-arbítrio ao homem, a liberdade, que leva à ação e consequência, seria o único modo de o mundo funcionar e não entrar no caos. Se Deus simplesmente detesse tudo que é consequência dos nossos atos, ele não seria perfeito, nem bom, nem justo.